This document describes how to change your AppleSearch Server 1.0 software to version 1.0.1, allowing it to run in emulation mode on Power Macintosh computers. You need to use a patch only for your server software and only if your AppleSearch server is a Power Macintosh.
These patches are not required for the AppleSearch client software, nor are they required to run the AppleSearch Server 1.0 on non–Power Macintosh computers. However, the patched AppleSearch Server software is compatible with your existing AppleSearch server hardware, so you may choose to patch your software now if you intend to upgrade your server to a Power Macintosh.
Patching your server software does not affect the operation of your current information sources or their indexes. The AppleSearch Server 1.0.1 software will continue to recognize your existing AppleSearch files if they haven’t been changed or moved.
These instructions are not included in your AppleSearch documentation, so you may want to print this document and keep it with your administrator’s guide.
Which Patch to Use
Two applications accompany this Read Me file:
• AppleSearch Server 1.0.1 Patch. If you purchased AppleSearch 1.0, you should use this patch.
• AppleSearch TrialCD 1.0.1 Patch. If you are using the AppleSearch Trial CD to evaluate AppleSearch 1.0 on a Power Macintosh, you should use this patch.
IMPORTANT You must use the correct patch to allow your AppleSearch Server software to run on your Power Macintosh.
Updating Your AppleSearch Server Software
You can run the patch software from the floppy disk on which it is shipped, and you can patch the AppleSearch Server software while it is on your existing Macintosh server.
To patch your software, follow these steps:
1. If you have not installed your AppleSearch Server software, do so, using the installer provided with the software.
2. Turn off any virus-detection programs on the AppleSearch server computer and quit the AppleSearch Server application if it is running.
3. Double-click the icon for the appropriate AppleSearch 1.0.1 patch. (Both patches should be in the same location as this document.) A dialog box appears, displaying information about the patch.
4. Click the Patch button. A directory dialog box appears, asking you to locate the AppleSearch Server application.
5. Select the name of the AppleSearch Server application you want to patch, then click the Patch button. When the patch operation is complete, a confirmation dialog box appears, telling you that the operation was successful.
6. Click the OK button in the confirmation dialog box.
7. Start your AppleSearch Server application.
You can use your updated server software immediately after restarting it. There is no need to index your information sources again unless you have moved them to a new disk or partition.